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5 Things You Need as a College Student - Slosh Spot

5 Things You Need as a College Student

necessary for college students

Going to college is a bittersweet experience. You get to leave home for the first time and be independent. However, it also gives you a lot of responsibilities that you may or may not be prepared for. College should be full of good memories for you, not bad ones. You would want to be as ready as possible to face the challenges that may come your way. It will be a better experience for you if you know what to expect. These are a few of the important things that you will need to have to optimize your college adventure! Read on!

  1. Study Group

Do not underestimate the value of people to study with. Even if you are only studying with one other person, it can be very beneficial to you. By talking things over, you will get a clearer image of what it is going on in the class. Also, explaining topics to other people will further cement the idea in your mind. You will have an easier time remembering important details during an exam. The people you are studying with could turn out to be great friends as well. And having friends in college will make the whole experience so much better!

  1. A Good Mattress

While you are in college, sleep is one of your new best friends. You will need to get a good amount of sleep to stay focused and feel refreshed. If you do not get a good night’s sleep, you will not be able to focus nor retain knowledge during class. This means that you need a good quality mattress. If you prefer to browse online first before making a decision, there are many options at thesleepjudge.com. Find the perfect mattress for you and you will be getting better sleep every night!

  1. Professional Clothing

It is likely that up until this point, you have not had much need of professional clothing. Part-time job interviews normally do not require dressing up and formal occasions tend to be rare in high school. However, it is a good idea to have clothes that make you look the part you are trying to play. Colleges sometimes have many presentations that require you to look and act your best. Dressing up can be a huge step in the right direction as it shows the professor that you are taking it seriously. Also, dressy clothes will come in handy if you are going out and doing co-op interviews. Look the way that you want other people to treat you!

  1. Memories from Home

Whether you think so or not, you will eventually start to miss home. When this happens, it is nice to have something with you that reminds you of the good times. You could try bringing photographs of your friends and family and arranging them in your room. Or you could bring souvenirs that you got during a special outing. Take whatever feels right to you. It will definitely help when you look at these memories because they will remind you of what is waiting for you back at home.

  1. A Desk

The common thing that people like to do now is sit in their beds and do work from their laptops. However, this is not the best way to study, which you will soon find out. Make sure that you have a desk or some sort of workspace for when you are studying. This way, you can arrange all your papers and notes so that it is easier for you to stay focused on what you are reviewing. If your room is small, you could try using a folding table that can be cleared away when you are done with it. Or even a multi-purpose piece of furniture that doubles as a desk and a dresser. Regardless, a workspace is crucial to your success in school. Having a designated work space can help motivate you to stay on top of things. We all know how easy it is to get distracted during college!


Moving away for college is one of the most defining moments in a person’s life. Whether you are going near or far, it is still important that you have certain items with you. Having a study group, a good mattress, professional clothing, memories and a desk will give you a good start with your college experience. Of course, there are tons of other things that you will need as well, but this article will give you a good idea of what is necessary. Being prepared for college means that you have anticipated some of the things that life will throw at you. Try to be ready for whatever comes your way and you will be sure to have a great time at school!

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