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Amazing Mugshots of Normal People - Slosh Spot

Amazing Mugshots of Normal People

Usually mugshots are only interesting if they’re of some celebrity or important public figure. Who knew that if you just took the time to look through these shots that are open to the public as well as publically humiliating photos, you’d find a bunch of hidden treasures? Sure, you don’t know who the hell they are, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less hilarious, as long as they’re not you of course. Take a look at these amazing mugshots of normal people.


Amazing Mugshots of Normal People - Sunburn

I wonder what this guy got pulled down to the station for. Looks like he had a little too much fun under the sun. Whether he fell asleep on a beach somewhere or maybe made a tanning bed his hideout, one’s things for sure – that extra red burn is a crime all in itself.

Cornrows Gone Bad

Amazing Mugshots of Normal People - Cornrows Gone Bad

Either this guy is trying to start a fad or he got caught in the middle of getting his hair done. Whatever the case may be, he will now forever have a memory of the day he looked like the biggest moron in the world. And so will all his friends.


Amazing Mugshots of Normal People - Mohawk

If someone managed to give me a Mohawk five feet tall, I’d probably murder that person, and get caught doing it too. Looks like they had to add another 6 rows to the police backdrop for this one.

Tattoo Face[/tps_title]

Amazing Mugshots of Normal People - Tattoo Face

Gee, this guy went a little overboard with the tattooing, don’t you think? What other life can he even dream of living except one of criminality and unlawfulness? I highly doubt he’ll get a job at the neighborhood of Mickey D’s with a face like that. Even smiling, this guy will make the most hardened criminal run for the hills. He could always tryout for the next Prison Break series. Lord knows he’d fit right in.

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