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Pros and Cons of Dating a Ghanaian Man - Slosh Spot

7 Things a Woman should Avoid Dating a Ghanaian Man

Of course, news in Ghana today and the latest events in the country are very important, but you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of posts devoted to such complex topics as relationships. If you are dating a Ghanaian man, you definitely should read the post about things you should avoid in your relationships.

Ghanaian Man

Quoting the title of the famous book that “men are from Mars, women are from Venus,” we must admit that these words have a sense. Women and men differ both physically and emotionally.

At first, it may seem that the rules of playing the relationship game here in Ghana are clear and easy to follow. Unfortunately, many women fail and face serious problems in relationships with their men. That is why we have decided to reveal seven things a woman should never do while dating a Ghanaian man.

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Dating a man1. Your traces in man’s room

Men set a high value on their personal space and can be irritated by the interaction with it. Even if he loves you very much, believe that his territory plays a huge importance for him. So, if you have decided to leave some small personal belongings like underwear or a toothbrush at his house, we advise you to think twice. There are only a few Ghanaian men who react to such things without irritation. Men may consider it as an occupation of their territory.

2. Failing to respect man’s privacy

Privacy for a Ghanaian man plays no less significant role than the territory does. If this man is very important to you, then do not try to rip him off his privacy rights. Until you are married, we advise you not to make changes in his apartment and not to touch things which mean a lot to him.

Respect privacy

3. Trying to scare him with his own secrets

Serious relationships often mean that you both share your secrets with each other. It is a sign of trust and love. If your second half was sincere enough with you, it does not mean that you can misuse this and scare a man with his own secrets or use them against him. It can become a final point in your relationships.


4. Sharing intimate moments with friends

Some ladies like to share intimate details from personal life with their friends. If you have such weakness, you need to put yourself in the place of your boyfriend and imagine your reaction to such behavior of a beloved person. Yes, nothing pleasant. If you hold dear your Ghanaian man, it is better to avoid discussing details of your intimate life with anybody except your man. Very sweet moments of both partners shouldn’t leak to the public.

5. Constant complaining and nagging

Believe us, you hardly will find a Ghanaian man who adores nagging and complaining girls. If you have such traits, you should better stop doing this. You shouldn’t outwear his patience.

Complaining and nagging

6. Failing to accept mistakes

Every Ghanaian man dreams to have a girl who can accept her mistakes. A bullet-headed lady who defends her rightness even if she is evidently wrong sooner or later will be dismissed.

7. Refusing to cook

A hungry man is an angry man. You should remember this proverb when you are refusing to cook for your boyfriend. A typical Ghanaian man pays great attention to such feminine side of any lady as cooking. In case you are just not into cooking you should warn your man about this before you come to another more serious stage of your relationships.

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