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Creating a Robust Website for your Affiliate Marketing Venture - Slosh Spot

Creating a Robust Website for your Affiliate Marketing Venture

Affiliate marketing site

Products lie at the heart of any affiliate marketing program. But in order to entice customers to those all-important click-through hyperlinks you’ll have been supplied with by an advertiser, you need to have a competent web platform. Much as being an affiliate marketer is all about coming up with innovative ways of promoting goods  or services, it is still of paramount importance that your website or blog is well-designed and robust.

It needs to stand out from the crowd in a highly-competitive area; streamlined and efficient rather than overly busy and difficult to navigate around. So here are some tips about creating content for your site that will attract attention immediately and encourage customers to keep coming back to see what you have on offer.

Basic site design

When it comes to establishing a suitable web presence there is no point reinventing the wheel. There are already countless websites out there that have been set up to channel customers towards affiliate programs, so you first step in designing your own should be to take a leaf out of other web managers’ books. In other words, have a surf around, scrutinizing other examples of blogs or sites, checking out how your existing competitors have set up their pages. Pay close attention to areas such as use of fonts, overall layout; and crucially, how they have incorporated the all-important advertiser code within the body of their page.

It would do no harm to sign-up to an affiliate network. By keeping tabs on top cpa offers you can get a flavor of how successful affiliate marketers are running their online businesses. These are the websites or blogs you really want to focus on in terms of appraising the site layouts for inspiration. As well as design aspects, joining a network will allow you to pick up all manner of valuable tips for your fledgling enterprise and you can sign-up to receive regular bulletins about market openings. There are also discussion groups where members will be able to give you pointers about setting up your site.


Again, thinking from a design rather than a marketing perspective, you will need to pay close attention to how your customers are going to track you down once you begin plugging your niche products. Granted, the success of your venture will depend on your ability to nurture and expand your own captive audience through social media and other online networks, but you will also need to make your web presence irresistible to the casual web browser. So pay particular attention to search engine optimization. Ensure those all-important keywords relating to your product are seeded throughout the content, and especially the meta-content (the code-side of your pages, or what some designers refer to as the stuff under the bonnet that actually drives the engine!)


While keywords certainly play a crucial role in attracting site visitors, the aspect of your website which has by far the most potential to engage with your customer base is your content. This must be well-written and thoroughly engaging. The nature of affiliate marketing means it is no use to simply paste hyperlinks into web pages and hope site visitors will click on them, ultimately to make a purchase.

You need to provide your audience was a far more rounded experience. So write positive and encouraging articles about your products, sharing your enthusiasm for these items and enticing your social media contacts to participate in your affiliate venture. Rather than simply being seen as a salesman you want to be regarded as a trusted and authoritative source for your product.

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