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Why You Should Date a Girl Who Gardens - Slosh Spot

Why You Should Date a Girl Who Gardens

date a girl who gardens

Let’s face it, there are a lot of girls out there who only care about their hair, their clothes, and their social status via selfies and duck-faced pouts. Did you know there are just as many girls who don’t think about those things? Or some that do think about selfies but other cool things too? Girls are into all sorts of things and gardening is one of them.

As you know, we like to give you the latest information we can about girls, from the male and the female perspective. After reading all the positive attributes a girl who likes to garden has, you’ll be running out to buy her all kinds of equipment. A hoe, a cute pair of gardening gloves, or possibly a weed-eater.

An electric weed-eater as a gift? Interesting enough, a tool like this will not only help your new gardening girlfriend achieve her outdoor goals, it’s great for the environment since it doesn’t use gas. If you find your are interested in a weed-eater for you or your gardening girlfriend, check out this link http://www.backyardboss.net/best-string-trimmer-reviews/. Backyard Boss is an expert on these things so you should check out what they have to say.

But if you’re still not convinced, we’ve listed down top reasons why we feel it’s great to date a girl who loves to garden

They Are Relaxed

According to this CNN article, gardening releases more stress than leisurely activities like reading or taking a nap. It seems that getting their hands into the dirt is great for their stress levels since women also work hard at their education and career. It definitely isn’t a surprise that they deal with the same type of work and family stresses that men do.

So, it makes sense that if you meet a girl who gardens, she’d have a great way of dealing with stress. A girl who manages stress well with gardening is likely to be more relaxed than a girl who doesn’t have a similar outlet.

They Care About Their Bodies

More often than not, a girl who gardens is also concerned about what goes into her body. When we take the time to grow our own fruits, vegetables, and herbs, then knowing what is good for us and what is not kind of comes with the territory.

Also, gardening in itself is a great workout. This, plus time spent outdoors in the fresh air can contribute to maintaining great physical health.

They Are Emotionally Stable

This goes back to the stress-relieving side of gardening. When we are free of stress, we are less likely to overreact or get overly dramatic about upsetting situations. In fact, not only does gardening relieve stress, it also helps with certain psychological ailments.

Take depression for example. 350 million people all over the globe suffer from depression to some degree. There are many ways to battle this problem but a Norwegian study found that participants with bipolar II disorder who spent 6 hours a week gardening reported elevated moods.

They Care About the World Around Them

There are a great deal of people who don’t care much for anyone but themselves. This lack of caring reaches both genders, not just women. Yet, there are far more people who are empathetic to their neighbors and their communities. A girl who gardens would fit into this category simply by creating her own sustainable food source.

Her need to grow her own vegetation , make her own compost seriously lessens her carbon footprint in this world seriously lessens her carbon footprint in this world. She isn’t supporting conglomerates or factory farms. She’s growing her own tomatoes for the marinara sauce she wants to make for you later opposed to opening a jar she found on the shelf of her supermarket. This is a girl who wants to make a difference and starts by growing her own garden.

They Can Cook

We aren’t trying to get medieval here and say women should know how to cook. Some women cook and some don’t, just like men. But we all love to eat and odds are, if your girl has a garden, then she loves to cook too. Someone has to make tasty dishes from all those lettuces, eggplants, and squashes she’s been growing and I think finding a girl that gardens who just gives away all her produce would be hard to find.

Gardeners tend to share with their neighbors but use a good portion of their produce for their own meals. So, don’t be surprised if this girl you meet can whip up a delicious butternut squash soup or apple pie in no time.


There are many qualities men look for in a woman; consideration, compassion, and great company are just a few. We have shown you how a girl who gardens will make a great gal to date because she will be considerate, creative, and drama-free. And who doesn’t want a girl like that?

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