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Do You Know How To Choose the Right Meal for Your Family? - Slosh Spot

Do You Know How To Choose the Right Meal for Your Family?

Dieting can provide you with several benefits such as weight loss, improved focus, and increased self-confidence. There are many diets and routines out there but sticking to the traditional and healthy way of eating is most important. Keep in mind that the meal for diet should be included as part of your lifestyle and not just to follow a fad or short-term course.

Proper Portioning

According to experts, 1/2 of your plate should consist of carbohydrates, 1/4 of protein and 1/4 of fats. Carbohydrates should generally come from complex types to keep you full and avoid sudden insulin spikes. Great choices would be brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal and baked potatoes. Get protein from lean sources like fish, chicken, turkey or lean beef cuts. Eat red meat sparingly or no more than 1 to 2 times per day. Fats should also come from healthy sources for the right meal for diet, like almonds, nuts, avocadoes, and seeds.

To have the right meal for diet, the person should eat .5 to 1.25 grams of protein for each pound he weighs. Carbohydrates should be 1.5 to 2.5 grams for every pound, while fat should only be up to 0.5 grams for every pound. Maintaining the proper calorie count is also essential for effective fat loss.

Diet plan for family

(image source: https://www.shutterstock.com)

Debunking Myths

According to new scientific research, people can get the same fat burning effect if they choose the right meal for diet, regardless of whether they eat 2, 3, 5 or 6 times a day. It is up to you to schedule your feedings, making sure that you stave off hunger pangs and cravings until your next meal. Having a cheat meal for diet is also very helpful to keep you sane and prevent binge eating. You can choose to eat one cheat meal per day, consisting no more than 25% of your total calories. Make sure that you still reach the minimum macronutrient count.

Facts and advice for healthy nutrition

There is a proper way to stay fit and healthy. This includes motivation of yourself and discipline. You have to motivate yourself to eat the right kind of food. Discipline regarding diet means commitment.


You have to be knowledgeable about proper diet along with the right food and nutrition.

Avoid processed foods – these foods contain chemical preservatives, which can contribute body weight gain. Too much consumption of these foods can cause diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer.

Avoid too much sugar – sugar may decrease your metabolism and cause weight gain.

Eat the right amount of food -to stay healthy you have to eat your complete meal as usual. If you intend to starve yourself, this will only let your body consume more fats due to a reaction of starvation as to recompense the loss fats.

Consume plenty of water- water helps to cleanse your body by eliminating some toxins. You have to drink water more than eight glasses as required to have good body circulation and elimination system.

Commit yourself to have regular exercise- Though proper nutrition is good to stay fit and healthy. But to be healthier and have a good figure daily exercise is the best option.

About the Author: The article was written by Carol James. She is a writer and senior editor at custom essays writing service Essaylab. Carol has MA degree in social sciences and writes articles, reviews on the different actual subjects. So, if you have any questions regarding the writing, feel free to ask her.

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