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10 Alcoholic Beverages You Can Make At Home - Slosh Spot

10 Alcoholic Beverages You Can Make At Home

The Irish certainly got it right! Drinking is the best thing since sliced bread. It keeps you warm during the cold winter months, entertained when you’re bored out of your wits, and happy when you’re a little bit blue. It removes all your inhibitions until you wake up the next day wondering why you stood on that dance floor showing off dance moves that should have been banned to begin with. You drink too much, but you’ve already reached the point of not caring. Heck! The world is a happy place and you’re invincible at the moment. Ha! That’s what you think until you’ve gotten some sleep. That’s because you wake up the next day and you often find yourself worshipping the porcelain god and swearing off alcohol for the rest of your life. Of course, this mantra ends when the alcohol has left your body and you’ve already forgotten what that hangover felt like. And if you have too much blood in your alcohol system, that would be the very next night.

Alcohol – love it or hate it! Paying for that next glass is costly. Establishments charge more than what they actually cost. Why do this when you can save on money? Hence, it’s time that we enjoy life to the fullest and learn how to make alcohol right in the comfort of our very own brewery, or what we otherwise call the kitchen. It’s a satisfying and rewarding task. Believe you me! Dabble into brewing your own beer, creating your own vat of wine, and basically doing whatever involves fermentation. Turn this hobby into an art. Heck! They even have apps that supply you with recipes upon recipes of wonderful cocktails.

[tps_header]Whether you want to make alcoholic beverages professionally or you’re simply looking into another DIY project, here are some of recipes brew hobbyists swear by:[/tps_header]

Hard Apple Cider

hard apple cider

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You scoff at the idea of making apple pies. That’s not for the adventurous person in you. While you wait for your roommates to come home or when inspiration simply strikes you, gather some apples from your backyard tree, get some from the grocery store, or you can always hope to find Snow White as your neighbor so you can gather some of that poison to consume. Just make sure the apples are organic. Pulp these into cider. Then, pour the fresh cider into a pot and simmer for 45 minutes. Make sure it doesn’t boil or you’ll just ruin your next drink. Sweeten that baby up with two pounds of sugar. Allow this to ferment and increase the alcohol content. Once the mix has cooled down, pour the cider into a fermenting bucket and add some yeast. Wait three weeks and voila! Inebriate yourself and show your friends your idea of apple picking.

[tps_title]Lemon Drop Martini[/tps_title]
lemon drop martini

Image Source and find another awesome Lemon Drop Martini Recipe here.

Fruits make the best drink. This just goes to show you that Mother Nature is a very wise woman. If you’re craving for some zing or if you want something with tart, then go for lemons. Hey, this could even inspire you to plant your very own lemon tree! This sour fruit will certainly make your life sweet, as ironic as it sounds! Combine vodka, lemon juice, and sugar in a glass. If you plan on getting extremely wasted crawling to bed, then pour the mix in the bathtub. This is a great quick fix if you’re starting to crave for some alcohol into your system. Drink immediately once you’ve gathered the essentials.

painkiller drink

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This goes for all you nursing that broken heart. A name so fitting for what you feel. So, you’ve just been dumped or your date stood you up. Well, let the rest of the world wallow in their own misery while you drown your sorrow until it dies. The painkiller that you’re about to make doesn’t require a prescription. This is so much better. In fact, doctors should include this in their regular prescriptions! So, what exactly do you need? Gather 3 oz. Pusser’s Rum, 4 oz. pineapple juice, 1 oz. coconut milk syrup, and 1 oz. orange juice. Shake everything with large ice and strain. Drink on the rocks and reminisce how your love life ended in pain, sorrow, or sheer torture. If you want to indulge a little, grate fresh nutmeg on the top and garnish with your favorite fruit. You’ll see that after a few glasses, the world is a brighter place once more. In fact, this drink could very well be your next love life. Swear off men, women, or whatever creature you were last dating, but the Painkiller is here to stay.

[tps_title]Strawberry Wheat Ale[/tps_title]

And yet, here’s another fruity drink. The first task is to gather some fresh strawberries that you’re sure are organic. Seasoned drinkers worth their salt know that pesticides and fertilizers kill the brew and can wreak havoc on the drink’s overall quality. Puree strawberries and simmer to kill the bacteria. In a separate mixture, brew oats, wheat malts, and hops. Add strawberries later on and allow the mix to ferment for three to four weeks. After that, drink and enjoy!


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