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5 Rules of Christmas Boozing - Slosh Spot

5 Rules of Christmas Boozing


Christmas, a festival of merriment and gifts. Red and white everywhere, snow in some places while just winter, in others. Christians and even people of other religions celebrate this festival for it’s a happy and joyous occasion. For the adults, there is also the celebration of the festival through drinking. But like every other occasion, you got to fix yourself a set of rules before you begin drinking to the festival. It’s fine to indulge a little but the borderline of addiction must not occur while you are at it.

Mindful drinking is the basis of the entire rules which means to set rules for oneself as to where, when, what and how much you drink at a time.

  1. Get planning well ahead. When you know you are going to make visits to others’ places or public events and you know you are going to be drinking there, plan your amounts, what you might drink and whether you should drink everywhere. Sometimes, you got to take up the post of being sober just in case your family or friends get too carried away and get drunk. You must always have a backup for this sort of a situation.
  2. It’s the weekend night and you are out partying with your work friends after the long workday. Yes, you are allowed to let loose and get crazy. But remember to not go straightaway doing shots. Try the really aged tequila with a sangrita consisting of orange juice, lime, pomegranate and chilli. Sip it slowly and that is when you will realize that shots is just a temporary thrill and the consequences after a shot is what you really regret later, but here with this alternative, you have the thrill and well, no regrets but just new memories to add to your festival slambook.
  3. Christmas is the festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. According to the original Bible, says a source, that Jesus Christ hadn’t turned water into wine, but he turned it to beer, specifically barley beer. It was mentioned as “water into shekhar” which is a Hebrew word for ‘strong drink’ and was derived from the ancient Semitic word, ‘sikaru’ which means barley beer. But this fact was removed from the script around the 17th century because some English translators felt beer was beneath God’s son. It’s Christmas and what would you drink? Drink beer.
  4. Sit, relax and sip your drinks. Socialize while sitting and you will be awed by the memories you create. Nowadays, most pubs get you to drink while standing as there is pretty little furniture in there. This was actually a scheme devised to get more profits for the club and bar owners. It is called ‘vertical drinking’ where everyone drinks standing and dancing.
  5. The refreshing alternative to alcohol- Mocktails! Have a try with the mocktail for a change. It is a very delicious combination of fresh juices, carbonated soda and some mint.
  6. Here’s a bonus fun rule.

When you are drinking whatever it is, it is the festive period. Try out a drinking game at your party to spice it up. Get mingling and socializing.

With Santa Claus and his reindeer’s sleighing away and the drinks unlimited and joyous, here’s to the next and every other merry Christmas!

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