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5 Things to Consider When Trying to Lose Weight At 50 Years and Beyond - Slosh Spot

5 Things to Consider When Trying to Lose Weight At 50 Years and Beyond

lose weight

You will realize that your body has started to change in your middle age. Your clothes start getting smaller as the number on the scale go up. Losing weight over 50 is quite challenging because there is a huge change in your hormones. To lose and maintain a healthy weight requires you to eat a well-balanced diet and to actively engage yourself in physical activities.

Here are things you should remember if you want to lose weight:

1. Eat Enough Proteins, vegetables and Whole Foods

Eating enough proteins helps you stay full for a long time. It also helps to repair your body, damaged tissues, and cells. Additionally, eating proteins helps you burn more calories. Whole foods help your body minimize the amount of sugar in the blood. Ensure that you do away with high sugar foods such as junk foods. You need to eat more proteins, fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods.

2. Do Not Skip Your Meals

Not eating enough or skipping your meals makes you hungry, weak and it causes your brain not to function properly. Your body will lack the essential nutrients required to nourish your body as you grow older. Contrary to the common opinion, eating all your meals will increase your body metabolism. A slower metabolism will make you eat more, thus adding more weight. The bottom line is, eat a well-balanced food, the right proportion and at the right time.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an important factor when you are trying to lose weight. Even with proper diet and regular exercise, if you do not sleep enough, you might not lose the weight. Poor sleeping habits stimulate the hormones that control hunger and appetite. The leptin hormone suppresses your appetite thus causing your body to spend energy. On the other hand, the ghrelin hormone triggers the hunger when you deprive yourself to sleep. Sleep deprivation makes you eat more calories at night which leads to weight gain.

4. Exercise

At your 50’s you need to consider doing more of strength exercises. Strength or resistance training helps you to build and maintain your muscles, as well as your weight and blood sugar. Additionally, this exercise will help to improve your mobility and increase your bones strong.

You should also consider aerobic exercises. Cardiovascular exercises are known to improve your hearts health. Another exercise you need to consider doing at your 50’s, are the stretching exercises. They are good for your joints and they keep your body comfortable to handle your daily activities.  Most importantly, consult your doctor before you undertake any training exercises.

5. Reduce Eating Out

Mostly, people at this age tend to eat out more. This increases your chances of eating processed food and fatty foods, which causes you to put on more weight. It is important that you make your own food at home.

As you age, your body needs proper care. Eat well and exercise regularly. This will keep you happy and your body healthy and fit. You will also realize losing weight over 50 years is easy.

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