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10 Most Common Mistakes Job Hunters Make on CVs - Slosh Spot

10 Most Common Mistakes Job Hunters Make on CVs


Writing a good and effective CV may seem a problem for young graduates and even to experienced professionals decided to change a job. CV may become your key of success, unless it is powerful and effective. Is it that easy for you to produce a quality paper? If you have never accomplished this step, then it is better to apply to real writing experts online and get a quality CV within several days. If your CV needs some changes, then it is possible to order CV editing at ResumeWritingLab. In all cases applying for help is okay, you don’t need to be afraid of it.

Still, if you decided to write CV without any assistance, make sure you take every detail into consideration. We are ready to present a small guideline that will help you to produce a good application document. As learning from mistakes sometimes makes sense, let’s consider top 10 common mistakes job seekers usually make in CVs.

1. Mistakes!

It would be logical to leave this section without comments as, on the surface, everything is clear. Unfortunately, 5% of reviewed CVs still contain spelling and grammar errors. Just can’t get this fact! Is it really difficult to proofread your document before sending it? Does it really take lot of time? No, no. Keep in mind that mistakes in your CV show your potential recruiter that you aren’t attentive and scrupulous worker and you will ignore little mistakes in your future job.

2. CV is too Long

Actually, I have never met a recruiter who spends more than a minute to familiarize with a CV. Most of the companies (especially large) receive hundreds of CVs daily. HR managers don’t have time to read all of them from the beginning to the end. Even though, it is their work. Therefore keep in mind:
– Your CV shouldn’t be more than 1-1,5 pages in length
– You should emphasize your skills and achievements and explain how they will work in position you are applying for.

3. Wrong Format

Most of companies in today’s digital era require sending CVs online. Yes, it is convenient. But your format then must be thoroughly chosen. Your presentation matters. Remember several golden rules:
– Do not use ornate fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri are the best)
– Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points (still, your headings, name and first name can be bigger)
– Organize your text in sections that will make it readable
– Don’t use graphics and pictures (only your profile photo)

4. Listing Your Previous Job Duties

Some job seekers tend to list their job duties on previous job/s in order to show how amazing his or her range of duties is. However, it only shows the requirements of your former recruiter.
Instead of this, it is logical to mention your achievements to show your abilities and potential. The results always speak louder than words. Therefore, amuse your potential employer with the things you have already managed to do.

5. Ignoring Key Words

As it was said before, managers haven’t got much time to read CVs. Thus, every experienced job seeker knows and uses keywords related to the particular position to draw manager’s attention.

6. Applying for the Wrong Position

The wrong position is the one that is too complicated for your skills and abilities. More likely such position will disappoint you and you will be rejected. Therefore, if you don’t meet the requirements, it is better to wait for a little and improve your skills.

7. Lying

Though your CV is assigned to show your skills and amuse your potential employer, lying is the worst way to do it. Never lie. It is impossible to make a first impression twice.

8. Mentioning Inappropriate Experience

If you are applying for a tech job, your work in Burger’s King or your ability to communicate with lots of people during one day doesn’t matter.

9. Leaving Gaps without Explaining

Yes, employment gaps happen. But leaving them unexplained in a CV shouldn’t happen. You can always say that in this time you attended courses to improve qualification.

10. Being Everywhere

Your potential employer should read your CV and think about you as a promising worker in his company (not about as a cool guy or cool joker). Don’t be too creative, too wordy or too resourceful. Be a person who understands a business voice of this kind of document and the one who knows when to stop. Then we can guarantee you a great success!

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