The Demystification of Purple Drank

[tps_title]The Side Effects[/tps_title]

Purple Drank - The Side Effects

While Purple Drank has claimed a good number of victims, there are also survivors. Nonetheless, you know that every mind-altering drug comes with a risk. When it’s mixed with alcohol, the respiratory system and liver suffer a great deal. There are also those who have had severe allergic reactions to the syrup. The most intense of which include rash, hives, chest pain, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, tremors, involuntary muscle movement, and seizure. Those who control their dosages say that they’ve experienced dry mouth, itching, urinary retention, and constipation.

While this Texas tea is admittedly dangerous, it’s apparently so addictive. You just might go all Brokeback Mountain on it and say that you just can’t quit it, especially after you’ve felt the effects. Lil’ Wayne once said that trying to give it up feels like death for your stomach. For those producing in what they hope is the next platinum record, they won’t risk giving up something that provides artistic inspiration.

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