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Fun Historical facts that you didn’t know of - Slosh Spot

Fun Historical facts that you didn’t know of

Civil War

History can be boring and comes to be the most interesting topic at the same time. The books of history have all those wars that divided the nations and the history of the mankind that decided everyone’s fate. But some facts are too bizarre and fun to read. Here are some of the fun Historical facts that you didn’t know

  • King George I, the king of England was a German
  • The oldest parliament of the world is the Parliament of Iceland, in operation since 930.
  • In 1666, a fire across London known as the “great fire of London” destroyed 87 churches, 13,200 homes and left thousands of people homeless. But only 8 people were killed.
  • Those Arabic numerals in mathematics were invented by the mathematics of India.
  • Lord Byron kept a Teddy Bear in his college room. Well! That’s something personal.
  • The researchers of Princeton in 1929 were able to change a live cat into a telephone
  • Due to its feudal past, pigtails were banned in China.
  • The first bomb from the Berlin side in WWII from the Allies came just to kill an elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
  • A pirate was hired by a man to liberate Napolean, as he was exiled to the island, St. Helena.
  • Ronald Reagan, the former US president was a lifeguard at his high-school. The president has been credited to save 77 lives.
  • King Jong-il is claimed to have written 6 operas. Now, what could be bizarre than this?
  • Albert Einstein was once offered for the position of the second president at Israel. To his, and everyone’s surprise, he denied.
  • Since 1945 all British military tanks have a tea-making facility in it.
  • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, the general have had ordered a full military funeral ceremony in 1838, just in honour of his amputated leg lost in a cannon fire.
  • Rabbits had once attacked the great Napolean.
  • In 1788, the Austrian army attacked itself, the casualties were the 10,000 men.
  • Remember the fall of the Ottoman Empire? Well, Warner Bros Entertainment company was founded just before a few months back of that happening.
  • Zanzibar and England have the tag with the world’s shortest war which for 38 minutes.
  • At the beginning of the World War I, U.S. Airforce, part of the Army corps had 5 to 12 aircraft in the serviceable position with only 18 drivers who could possibly fly them.
  • Talking about the beginning of the American Civil war, the Confederate army commander, General Robert E. Lee did not have any slaves while Union General Ulysses Grant had slaves. Taking it further, the Union constitution did not ban the trade of the slaves while the constitution of the confederate America state? They did ban
  • With no casualties, the longest war in the history lasted between Scilly and Netherlands. The war lasted for 335 years, from 1651 to 1986.
  • A horse claimed as one of the weirdest senators, by Roman emperor Gaius.
  • Luckiest of all Violet Jessop, a survivor of the 3 largest sinking and ship misfortunes in history. She put her bad luck at a rest when she was on Olympic and it collided with Hawke and returned to Southampton. In 1912, she boarded Titanic, only to sink again and survive. She didn’t stop there. She was on Britannic when due to a mine it got sunk.

Enough? Hope that must have increased your daily dose of knowledge apart from those regular boring history lessons.

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