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LOL! - 15 Hilarious Tinder Pickup Lines - Slosh Spot

LOL! – 15 Hilarious Tinder Pickup Lines

Let’s admit it. After a point, nobody enjoys being single and even though we know that relationships and dating are headaches that will torment us for life, we want to go ahead and rush into them. But some people rush into it the wrong way. They try too hard and dive too deep, which is probably why they end up in the valleys alone. The one good thing that they actually do though, is provide us with entertainment. Here we share with you a part of the same-fifteen hilarious Tinder Pickup Lines (I am assuming you guys know what Tinder is and are already on it, trying to find at least someone who would swipe right on your profile):

tinder pickup lines hilarious

  1. “Thank God I am wearing gloves because otherwise, you would be too hot to handle”

Does this not remind you of school in the seventh grade?

  1. “On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?”

This is so hilarious that we would want to respond saying

“Germany, 1942.” If he or she understands the response, bravo!

  1. “I like your bangs and your boobs so I guess I should bang your boobs. What say?”

This is “teenage girls at sleepover creepy” but “Tinder chicks swipe left funny”.

  1. “Do you work at Build a Bear? Because I would totally stuff you.”

Of course, the decision is up to you but we would suggest that you laugh it off and steer clear of those who use this line.

  1. “What would I have to do to get on your drunk dial list?”

Work at the Emergency Room maybe?

  1. “FIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEEEEE” “Hell yes, screaming fire always gets people’s attention”

This one is a cutie. Of course, it gets your attention but the major consideration is that it is not annoyingly cheesy and it does not seem like he or she is trying too hard.

  1. “Hey, I am new to the area. Can I have directions to the apartment?”

*Sends directions to the Police Station*

*laughs at the prank*

*thug life*

  1. ‘Hey girl, I got pizzas at home and Titanic playing on repeat. So, estimated time of arrival?”

This one is too subjective. Some may fall for it, some may not but all will laugh for sure.

  1. “I put the STD in STUD, all I need is U.”

Did you mean Sexually Transmitted Disease when you said STD?

  1. “If you were a triangle, you would be acute one.”

Math nerd alert!

  1. “I deeply regret to inform you that you are above the maximum permitted standard for looks. You are clearly an 8.5 on 10. Oh no, wait. I lied. You are clearly a 9 on 10 and we at Tinder allow on 6.5. Legal action will be taken against you and your account will be closed if you do not reply to this message with your name, number, favourite flower, how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth at once and if you prefer Mexican or Italian cuisine”

Damn it. This one was almost perfect but went downhill at the marshmallows bit, didn’t it? Hilariously disappointing for some!

  1. “I just got pulled over by a cop for texting and driving as I was typing my response to your message. And just when he was going to give me a ticket, I showed him your picture. He let me off with a warning and on the condition that I get your number”

Then I hope you get caught again because that condition is not going to be fulfilled.

  1. “I am legally obliged to tell you that I am a convicted sex offender. Just kidding, I was never convicted.”

Ha. Ha. Ha.

  1. “Roses are red, violets are fine. I’ll be the six, if you be the nine”

Going the traditional way, eh?

  1. “Are you McDonalds? Because I am loving it!”

This one is a classic. But makes you smile every time!

So the next time you encounter any of these pick up lines or even better ones (and by better, we mean funnier), think twice before you go ahead with that date (and of course, share it with us). On the other hand, if you are planning to use any one of these as a charming, witty one liner that can get you laid; we’ll make it easier for you and advise you not to because we know that there is going to be another group of people laughing at you and having the time of their lives (Trust me, ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’ does not work in this case) unless of course you say, “You smell like trash. Can I take you out?” (Users may use at their own risk.)

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