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The Importance of Website Design - Slosh Spot

The Importance of Website Design


What exactly is website design?

Website design is the process of thoroughly creating a website where the web designer focuses on the aesthetic factors such as the website layout, the user interface and other visual imagery that makes the website more visually appealing and easier to use for the users. Therefore, website design is an important aspect of developing a business and for the business’s online presence.

Whether you are launching a small business or refreshing an already active website, here are five points to consider when designing a website.

1. Search Engine Optimization

It does not matter how beautiful your website is or how what an amazing product you have if no one sees your website. Besides being visually appealing, your website must be coded correctly so that search engines can detect it. Your website having a high SEO means you are likely to attract new customers. The more customers and visitors you have to your website, the more sales (or ad space you can sale) you will generate.

2. Strong visual imagery and content

Strong visual imagery and content are important from small things like font color and size to the images and videos used. The design of the page should be clean and streamline, avoiding clutter. A cluttered website is hard to follow and causes potential customers, who already have short attention spans, to leave your site to look elsewhere.

3. Easy Navigation

In our fast pace world, anything that is too complicated makes shoppers or readers feel as if they are at risk for losing out on their precious time. If a customer or reader feels that way they will search for a site they deem easier to navigate. Make sure that your site has a well-labeled navigation bar or a menu option that clearly lists the different web pages within the site. The goal is to keep visitors on your site for as long as possible to explore the website. Again, a streamlined navigation, that is easy to use, can make visitors come back for more and retention is key for business.

4. Satisfy the customer

The web design needs to satisfy customers and meet the needs of your visitors. You want the design of the website to tell them what they need to know without confusing them. The goal is to build a positive relationship with the site visitors, so make sure the main message you are trying to express to them is the focal point and easy to understand. You want customers and users to engage with your site including sharing it with their family, friends, and peers.

5. Brand strength

You want the customer to be able to identify and connect with your brand, so your logo should be placed visibly on your website. From your logo and website to your social media accounts, your brand(ing) is what sets you apart from your competition.

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, Magento designs and development are here to customize your website to support your growing business needs. In today’s marketplace, consumers are much savvier and are able to independently make the best purchase decisions.

Consumers search the internet for products and services to purchase from brands that they feel are trustworthy, so the look and feel of your website adds credibility to your brand. A professional website validates your company, serving not only as a marketing strategy but as an around the clock window into your company.

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